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Cyberpunk 2077

Utolsó bejegyzés

Night City Wire June 11.

Az mi?

Choose your next words with excpetional care!


A kerdes jo. :D Uj gameplay? Talan.

A Summer Game Festen lesz valami, jaja.

Non serviam

ESRB rating summary:

During one quest, players assist a character by hammering nails through his hands and feet; screaming sounds and blood effects accompany the scene. The game contains nudity and sexual material: Players can select a gender and customize their character; customization can include depictions of breasts, buttocks, and genitalia, as well as various sizes and combinations of genitals. Players can encounter events where they have the option to engage in sexual activities with other main characters or prostitutes—these brief sex scenes (from a first-person perspective) depict partially nude characters moaning suggestively while moving through various positions. Some scenes contain brief depictions of thrusting motions; other scenes depict a character's head moving towards a partner's crotch. The game contains frequent depictions and references to fictional drugs, including characters taking puffs/hits from a state-altering inhaler/stimulant; an animated billboard ad depicts a man snorting speed. Some sequences allow the player to drink alcoholic beverages repeatedly until the screen distorts; player's character can also drive cars while drunk. The words “f**k” and "c*nt" appear in the dialogue.

Alig varom! :D


Maul cosplay stb. csinál egy fan filmet

Nice, picit mondjuk camp, de production value meglepően magas.


Wtf? Ez elég jó!

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WTF ez meg Cavill magyar hangja? :D

Jó lesz az.


Srácok, ha érdekel benneteket szívesen megosztom a Cyberpunkos xbox kontrolleren lévő qr kóddal elérhető jelenleg nem nyilvános Cyberpunk 2077 dalt.

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Mocsok jó lesz ez az ost.

Jó lesz az.

hmmmmmmmmm, kurvamessze van még az az ősz... új főnöknek már említettem, hogy valszleg egy-másfél hetet kiveszek :D

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na basszus még egy új körülmény, hogy vegyem-e meg azt a rohadt Xbox bundlet :D :D

Én eladtam egy másfél éves one x-et amit eleve használtam vettem még tavaly ősszel.
A játék árát hozzátéve meg is tudtam venni a Cyberpunk editiont (ami egyébként a legfaszább limited one x amit eddig láttam).
Legfeljebb eladom és beletolom a series x árába, a játék már úgyis megvan az accountomon és a smart deliverynek hála nem kell megint megvenni.

Jó lesz az.


Lesz az 2021 is a végén. Vagy '22... :D

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vagy '77 :D

Jó lesz az.

De akkor az már full VR suitban...

Non serviam

ami egyébként a legfaszább limited one x amit eddig láttam

sztem legfaszább limited bármilyen konzol evör

Nemet interjubol forditas
When we’re talking about agility and skyscrapers: Is V actually able to climb facades from the outside, like Spiderman or King Kong?
Yes, V can climb up skyscrapers and we try to connect this with a special context, for example in a quest or side activity. But while climbing, you won’t look like King Kong or Spiderman, more like… V.

The reason why I was asking is, that I believe, that we will move on roofs more often in Cyberpunk 2077, similar to the Game Mirrors Edge possibly. There was vertically an important part of the game, but we have mostly seen scenes from the ground so far.
The comparison isn’t that bad and as V you will be able to get in dizzying hights.

On the other hand V is way faster, significantly more mobile and has access to more driving possibilites than Roach. That changes the scaling of the world. When I ride on Roach for 10 seconds, than that is a totally different distance then when I’m driving straight forwards for 10 seconds with a car.

That is definitely palpable, when we sit together with the quest designers and we want to make a drive-filling dialogue with Jackie. You have to expand things in the game accordingly.

That is why it’s hard for us, when we are asked for the world size or comparison with The Witcher 3. It is already hard to compare, because the metric is totally different.

When you - purely hypothetical – place a Street from Cyberpunk into Novigrad, that street would be easily two blocks wide and a car has a totally different turning cicly than a horse.

Join us tomorrow, June 25 at 6PM CEST, at for the first, 25 minute episode of #NightCityWire, where we are going to show you a brand new trailer, present fresh gameplay footage and chat with the devs in detail about one of the game features, braindance.

Non serviam

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